Transfer files between computer between mobile Android phone now doesn't need any cable. And also I'm not saying that you are going to use Bluetooth, since Bluetooth file transfer is very slow. But I'm going to share how to transfer it using Wireless 2,4 Ghz or you may say Wi-Fi technology. Transfer file using Wi-Fi is relatively easy and I'm about to show you how to do it.To transfer your file using Wi-Fi you need to make your mobile phone as a FTP server. You can install FTP server for … Read more...

Write Anywhere With WordPress Android App
WordPress for Android has been out for a while. But i thought it might be a good share. WordPress for Android is available for free in Google Play market. Please go to this url to download to your Android mobile now. With this app i can write on my blog anything and anywhere. Especially when i go shopping with my girlfriend, while waiting i do blogging :)I have used WordPress for Android for a while now. It is not just for writing a post, i can reply comment as well as see my website … Read more...

Connect To SSH Server Without Password Using Putty
Putty is one of top ssh client available on Windows. It is lightweight and just run out of the box. Doesn't need installation and connect you to ssh server securely. But if you need to use automatic login or use your private rsa key to login to your ssh server you need an extra tips to do that.Generate Public/Private Key To generate public/private key in Putty you need to download a tools called puttygen from Putty download page. And follow the following instructions:Open … Read more...

Google Nexus With Android Ice Cream
[youtube width="520" height="300"]-F_ke3rxopc[/youtube]Google together with Samsung launched the new Android Smartphone, so called Google Nexus. First launched in Hongkong Wednesday, 19 September 2011. This is the first smartphone using the new Google Android 4.0 "Ice Cream". Using the same hardware technology as the Samsung Galaxy S2, but with the new OS.I haven't use this smartphone as it is haven't arrived in Indonesia yet. But from the videos i watched about this new Andorid Ice … Read more...

iPhone 4s, High Features Low Cost
The Apple Inc, just announced iPhone 4s a couple days ago. Instead of releasing iPhone 5, they release the iPhone 4s instead. Even there are many speculations before that Apple would release the iPhone 5 this year. What is the reason behind that, i don't know yet. But from my point of view that Apple want to take advantage to gain the market share, since Samsung with their Galaxy S2 and soon Nokia will release their very first Windows 8 powered smartphone near this November. iPhone 4s … Read more...

Share Folder In Windows 7 And Connect It From Ubuntu
I am working in both Windows 7 and Ubuntu. I'm using Windows 7 as my development environment and use Ubuntu as my testing environment, because at the end my project will live in Linux environment. There are a lot of ways to share your files between Windows and Ubuntu/Linux. You may choose whether to choose FTP or Samba. To share folder in Windows 7 you need to do some configuration so Windows 7 let others from the same network could access your shared folder.First i was about to write the … Read more...

How Steve Jobs Deal With iPhone 4 Demo Failed During Presentation
[youtube width="520" height="300"]znxQOPFg2mo[/youtube]This story is while back ago. This demo was show in June 2010. While Steve Jobs showing a demo of iPhone 4 and have Wifi problem during the presentation. I'm not showing that iPhone 4 has failed, but i am impressed how Jobs deal with that kind of problem and handled it very professionally. He turned that accident into a funny jokes so the audiences not bored. … Read more...

Google Reader For Android
Google Reader recently update their Google Reader for Android application. This update comes with new interesting features. Like Widget, widgets have long been one of the most requested feature for Google Reader for Android. It make us more easier to customize. And the other feature is, while scrolling through your feed you can now mark all the previous entries as read. Hit up the link below to read more or visit the Android Market on your phone to update the application.What's new in this … Read more...

Securely Transfer Your File To Remote Computer
A very common job for a web developer is actually uploading a single file from a directory in your development environment to the exact same subdirectory on a remote server. Unfortunately, this always ends up as an irritating manual process including switching sites on machines, and waste a large amount of time. One solution to this issue is using WinSCP. With WinSCP you can securely transfer your file to the remote server, and the best thing is secure synchronize your files. Reduce a lot of my … Read more...