I use Cloudflare CDN to add performance and security layer to my websites for free. And most of times when I need to change some settings for the zone file, I have to login through the web dashboard, and sometimes it ask for 2FA. For just a little change I have to go through multiple steps.So I decided to create the cli tools with node.js to manage my Cloudflare account via API. And it works!How to Installnpm install -g cloudflare-api.Generate your Cloudflare API Token, see … Read more...

All the Web Talks from Google IO 2019
I cannot make to Google IO 2019 this year :sadpanda: But luckily the record everything and share it to Youtube.Here is the Youtube Playlist for Google IO 2019 just related to the Web Technology Updates only.https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNYkxOF6rcIATmAmz7HcCzongGvQEtx8i … Read more...

Make WordPress Load Faster With LiteSpeed Cache – Webinar
A while ago I did my first Webinar to share about how to improve a WordPress site with LiteSpeed Cache on LiteSpeed web server. You can see the recording below, and please note I speak in Indonesian language.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wl2oiOqNIDI … Read more...

Why You Should Always Use Site with HTTPS
Recently I found that my Internet provider being "naughty" in their business practices. They added a tracking code to a web page if that page doesn't use https. This is very annoying and I did try to call the ISP and as usual it goes to the support operator which doesn't know anything about what I'm talking about...sigh...See the screenshot below:That script is injected at before the </body> tag, and I don't know for sure what it does, it could be one of the following:Cookies … Read more...

Secure Your WordPress Site
WordPress is an open source project and developed by the community from all over the world. A lot of expert spent their times to make WordPress as secure as possible. But I'm not in the position to say that it has bulletproof for security vulnerability. You can see there are couple security has been reported fixed and disclosed in WordPress hackerone. You can report any security issue too, if it is valid, you'll get bounty!With that said, I would like to share couple best practices I did to … Read more...

Secure Your Connection With Your Own Cheap OpenVPN
I did experience when my "naughty" ISP inject a javascript to a web page when the site is not using https. That script intended to track, and maybe steal some cookies (I'm not sure, since they can get anything). And another story also when I did use public wifi when I work in a cafe/coworking space, and I got SSL warning that there is man-in-the-middle try to intercept my connection, and said the SSL certificate is not valid. I was shocked that it is not hard for a sysadmin to intercept our … Read more...

AMP for WordPress – WordPress Jakarta #15
I did talk in WordPress Jakarta Meetup #15 while ago. My topic was about implement AMP in WordPress, plus add Google Analytics and Google Adsense for that AMP page.https://www.slideshare.net/ivankristiantocom/amp-for-wordpress-wordpress-jakarta-meetup-15Some photos from the event:Google World Cup 2018Jeanny talking about AMPIvan opening remarksWPJKT audiencesAldrich talking about SEO updatesMe and Googlers … Read more...

Optimize WordPress Performance with Litespeed
I did give presentation at WordPress Jakarta Meetup #14, my topic was Optimize WordPress Performace with Litespeed Cache plugin and Litespeed Web Server. The result was amazing and worth to try. https://www.slideshare.net/ivankristiantocom/wordpress-optimization-with-litespeed-cache-wpjkt14 … Read more...

WordCamp Jakarta 2017 Short Story
On November 4th, 2017 We have WordCamp Jakarta 2017. And I am the lead organizer in this WordCamp. The event was a great success and I can say this is the largest WordCamp ( so far ) ever happen in Indonesia. And I would like to share some of my experiences to You all.The PreparationI applied to Become an Organizer for WordCamp in May 2017. And after got accepted and I had first interview and preparation. On June 1st, 2017 the WordCamp Jakarta 2017 was officially accepted and ready for … Read more...
Migrated Fully to Docker
I spent sometimes this weekend to migrate this blog fully powered by Docker. I'll write the tutorial in this upcoming weeks. … Read more...