Putty is one of top ssh client available on Windows. It is lightweight and just run out of the box. Doesn't need installation and connect you to ssh server securely. But if you need to use automatic login or use your private rsa key to login to your ssh server you need an extra tips to do that.Generate Public/Private Key To generate public/private key in Putty you need to download a tools called puttygen from Putty download page. And follow the following instructions:Open … Read more...

Share Folder In Windows 7 And Connect It From Ubuntu
I am working in both Windows 7 and Ubuntu. I'm using Windows 7 as my development environment and use Ubuntu as my testing environment, because at the end my project will live in Linux environment. There are a lot of ways to share your files between Windows and Ubuntu/Linux. You may choose whether to choose FTP or Samba. To share folder in Windows 7 you need to do some configuration so Windows 7 let others from the same network could access your shared folder.First i was about to write the … Read more...

Securely Transfer Your File To Remote Computer
A very common job for a web developer is actually uploading a single file from a directory in your development environment to the exact same subdirectory on a remote server. Unfortunately, this always ends up as an irritating manual process including switching sites on machines, and waste a large amount of time. One solution to this issue is using WinSCP. With WinSCP you can securely transfer your file to the remote server, and the best thing is secure synchronize your files. Reduce a lot of my … Read more...

Disable Autorun and Autoplay In Windows 7
Windows 7 is the latest series of Microsoft Windows operating system. Some says it have better security than its predecessor. With it's bitlocker, applocker and smarter user account control (UAC) offer user better security. But it still have the same old hole, autorun and autoplay feature which offer user simplicity, could turn into double edge sword. "Attacker" use this hole to insert or run virus and trojan. And steal your personal data.So the quick tips to secure your Windows 7 is disable … Read more...

Advanced IP Scanner 2.0, Faster and New Features
From the previous article how to Scan All The Computer IP Addresses Inside Your Network In One Click, i mention about the best 2 tools to scan all ips connected in your network. One of them is Famatech Advance Ip Scanner which is recently major update release to version 2.0 wih new features and faster scanning.Advanced IP Scanner is a fast, robust and easy-to-use free IP scanner for Windows. In a matter of seconds, this utility finds all the computers on your network and provides easy access … Read more...

Clean Up And Tweak Your Windows For Better Performance
It is not a secret anymore if your Windows is getting slower if you use it more than 6 months. Things that causing the issue is junk fles, temporary files, orphan registry, bloated startup programs, etc. You need to clean all of those things regularly to keep your Windows performance. And one of the best and free tools to do that is ccleaner.CCleaner is a freeware system optimization, privacy and cleaning tool. It removes unused files from your system – allowing Windows to run faster and … Read more...

Copy Files Faster On Windows
Windows native file management is not fast especially when you copying thousands of small to medium size files. And when it have broken files, the copy process will stop and cannot continue. And the other thing when you copying files, you cannot pause it if you need your computer resources to do other processes.The alternative to move and copy files on Windows is TeraCopy. TeraCopy from Code Sector is a free file-copying utility that offers more speed and security than Windows. It’s a … Read more...

Easy To Use Remote Admin Tools
You can control your Windows machine far away with remote desktop, this is known as virtual network computing (VNC). “Virtual Network Computing (VNC) is a graphical desktop sharing system that uses the RFB protocol to remotely control another computer. It transmits the keyboard and mouse events from one computer to another, relaying the graphical screen updates back in the other direction, over a network.” (source: Wikipedia).But Windows remote desktop is slow and poor image quality, but … Read more...

Tools To Monitor Your Hardware Information And Status In Windows
When you buy a new brand PC or laptop, you were told by the seller about the specification of your PC or laptop. But how do you if it is true or not? Or maybe you want to know your full hardware information for some reasons. There are a coupe of tools that describe below to get your system information, hardware specification, system status, hardware temperature status, battery status and so on. So when you testing your laptop or PC before you pay it, make sure you check it first.1. … Read more...