Share Folder In Windows 7 And Connect It From Ubuntu

I am working in both Windows 7 and Ubuntu. I'm using Windows 7 as my development environment and use Ubuntu as my testing environment, because at the end my project will live in Linux environment. There are a lot of ways to share your files between Windows and Ubuntu/Linux. You may choose whether to choose FTP or Samba. To share folder in Windows 7 you need to do some configuration so Windows 7 let others from the same network could access your shared folder.First i was about to write the … Read more...

Install And Configure Nginx, PHP, MySQL On Ubuntu

Nginx is simple webserver yet powerful. It is widely know for stable webserver. If it is well configured, nginx rarely have spike in the cpu load and have low memory consumption. Nginx is known for its stability, rich feature set, simple configuration, and low resource consumption.In this article i want to share how to install and configure your Ubuntu server to use Nginx as web server, PHP5 support (using fastcgi) and MySQL support.Open your ssh terminal. Install … Read more...

[HowTo] Extract Database Information From Information_schema Table in Mysql

INFORMATION_SCHEMA provides access to database metadata. Metadata is data about the data, such as the name of a database or table, the data type of a column, or access privileges. Other terms that sometimes are used for this information are data dictionary and system catalog. INFORMATION_SCHEMA is the information database, the place that stores information about all the other databases that the MySQL server maintains. Inside INFORMATION_SCHEMA there are several read-only tables. They are … Read more...

5 Best Website To Become Professional Web Designer

In this post i would like to share the 5 best website to become a web designer from novice to professional. Become a web designer especially a template designer for CMS (Content Management System) like Wordpress, Joomla, Mamboo, or many else, need practice and and knowledge to support you to make a creative web design. And now i would like to share with you the best 5 website to start with and have fun...1. TutsPlus (recommended)If you want to be the best, you have to learn from the … Read more...

[Tutorial] Make DVD video in Ubuntu

From the last post, i assume you already have file(s) in .mpg format. Now let's continue to make a dvd video from .mpg file(s).To make dvd video and make an iso from it, you need to install this tools:dvdauthor mkisofs If you don't have that tools yet you can use this command:Okay, now you already have that tools. Let create a dvd video from your .mpg file(s). Follow this steps:Create the dvd video file structure.this action will take a while. This step will make a … Read more...

[Tutorial] Convert Xvid or Avi to DVD Format in Ubuntu

Today i want to backup all my tutorial videos into DVDs, but the problem is all my videos are not in DVD format. Some are .avi, .flv, .mov and these type of file cannot be convert to DVD video. You need to convert them to .mpg format first then compile to DVD format.First you need to install these tools: mencoder ffmpeg If you don't have that yet, you can install with this command:If you already have then continue with this step:Convert media to .avi format (if your file … Read more...

[TUTORIAL] Password Protected Directory In Apache Web Server

Sometimes you want to make an online application but only for private use or use by some people only. Or you just made an online application but still in testing phase in development, and don't want to make the site go live yet. Or you want a web site or a directory to be protected for security reasons. Or other reasons that you can mention. But the point is you want a whole website or a directory to be password protected.You can make a whole website or a directory password protected with … Read more...

[Tutorial] Groovy and Grails Part 2 – Installing Grails

This is the next article from Grovvy and Grails Part 1 - Introduction that you can read it here. Now we continue to install grails in your machine. Before you continue, there are some requirements to run Grails in your machine, so please read it carefully :)Requirements to install Grails: Java SDK 1.4 or higher and have set your JAVA_HOME variable to the SDK install location. note here, Java OpenSDK and JRE is not working with Grails. Apache Ant 1.6.5 or higher * JUnit (to run the … Read more...

[Tutorial] Groovy and Grails Part 1 – Introduction

What is Groovy? What is Grails? For those who don't know about Groovy and Grails, you are lucky because i'm about to explain Groovy and Grails and how powerful they are in Web Application Technology. Also i will give you some example to help you to understand and start using it!"Groovy is a relatively new dynamic language that can either be interpreted or compiled and is designed specifically for the Java platform." (Beginning Groovy and Grails From Novice To Professional Apress). Groovy … Read more...