Transfer files between computer between mobile Android phone now doesn't need any cable. And also I'm not saying that you are going to use Bluetooth, since Bluetooth file transfer is very slow. But I'm going to share how to transfer it using Wireless 2,4 Ghz or you may say Wi-Fi technology. Transfer file using Wi-Fi is relatively easy and I'm about to show you how to do it.To transfer your file using Wi-Fi you need to make your mobile phone as a FTP server. You can install FTP server for … Read more...

[HowTo] Install FTP Server With User Management In Ubuntu
Linux especially Ubuntu have many FTP server applications. And PureFTPd is one of the most stable and good FTP server application. We can configure PureFTPd to use virtual user stored on MySQL database rather than using system user.This is much more performance and allows to have thousands of ftp users on a single machine. In addition to that I will show the use of quota and upload/download bandwidth limits with this setup. Passwords will be stored encrypted as MD5 strings in the … Read more...