Today i hear a shocking sad news from the Facebook wall stream. Almost all my friends say condolences to Steve Jobs, and that soon i realize that Steve Jobs passed away. Steve Paul Jobs (February 24, 1955 – October 5, 2011), is the man with vision and crazy idea, who invented countless technology in his life.Apple board of director wrote in their official website: [quote sourceurl="" sourcename="Apple Board Of Directors"]Apple has lost a visionary and … Read more...

Internet Cable All Over The World
Do you know that our internet use Cable (fibre optic cable) plant underwater across countries and oceans? Yes mostly our internet traffic are flowing between countries travels through underwater cables. Thanks to Greg Mahlknecht for such a great mapping on internet cable all over the globe and make draw it on Google Map. He use all the resources that he got from online, mostly wikipedia. Even he state that mapping is not exactly where is it, but can give you enough picture how connected to the … Read more...

Facebook Now Have Video Call
Not long after Google+ limited release to public and it's booming on the net. And everybody talk about the Hangout features which is a group video call chat and sharing. And now Facebook release their own video call and group chat in return to Google+ hangout. Here Facebook use Skype technologies, as Skype now integrate really well for Facebook chat. Facebook video call setup To get started you need to do this following steps:Go to this Facebook application page to start to enable … Read more...

Google+ Review and Facebook Comparison
Google+ (read: Google plus) is one of the Google product for social networking. Google+ was launched in June 28, 2011 and as i am writing this article, this service is not available for public yet, only the invited user could join Google+. And i got lucky to received the invitation from my friends. Google+ use many of Google existing technologies. For example: Google chat, Google voice, Google Buzz, Google Profile, Picasa, Youtube, Google map, and others. Beside connecting all dots, Google+ also … Read more...

Voice Search and Search By Images Now Available at Google
Voice search and search by images is the new features by Google. It's like a dream come true. I was thinking this long time ago when i have image of unknown animal and i would like to know what is it. At the time i was ask it in forums and some people gave me the answer. So i thought just if someday Google have that kind of feature, and it comes true. Google Voice Search I was thinking back when Microsoft release their Vista, and i trained my laptop to do voice recognition. Even it still have … Read more...

New Google Algorithm Impact To This Blog
In last week of February 2011, Google announced a major change to its search algorithm, designed to wipe out low-quality content from its top search results. But instead of wipe out the loq-quality content website, Google so called Panda Algorithm wipe out the big players from the SERP. See Danny Sullivan's article from, he explained it very well. And Amit Agarwal from labnol (one of my fav blog), also mark as 'content-farm' by this new Panda Google algorithm.And this … Read more...

Google Add Words Count In Search Results
Today i realize that something change again in Google Search results. A while ago Google add instant search, social search improvements, thumbnails and now Google add words count in search result. It is not 100% accurate but close enough. Google will count all words in that page not just in the content area. So if you have lot of text in sidebar, Google will count it as well.So how this improve Google search quality and SEO? I don't know yet. But as far as i try to search some keywords. The … Read more...

iPad 2: The Second Generation iPad, New Design, Faster, And Thinner
Since it is not a rumor anymore, Steve Jobs (CEO of Apple Inc) unveil the iPad 2 specifications. As in his presentation, iPad 2 as the second generation of iPad, have a new design, 2 times faster then iPad 1, and dramatically thinner.Here is the complete recaps of iPad 2 specifications: 1. Using the new A5 processor With this new A5 processor, iPad 2 will 2 times faster, 9 times faster graphic processing and use same low power as it's predecessor A4.2. Video Cameras As the debate in … Read more...

Will Google Social Search Improve The Relevance Of Search Results?
Google Social Search is already been a while. Google Social Search project start since 2009. Google used to display a few links to pages created or recommended by your friends and social connections at the bottom of the search results page. This feature automatically obtained data from Google Reader, Google Buzz, Gmail Contacts, Twitter and other sites linked from your Google profile.Seeing a search result from your friend will give your more real experience that you may apply by contacting … Read more...

New Google Security System: 2 Steps Verification
Google just launch a new security feature to access Google Account. It is called 2-steps verification. With this 2-steps verification, the hacker cannot enter your account only with your hijacked password. They need to enter the verification that will be sent to your mobile phone or generate the verification number using Android, Blackberry and iPhone application.I've been using this security technique for my internet banking, which will ask the 2nd verification using a Token device. So … Read more...