This time i would like to share some cloud applications to boost your productivity. Most of them are free and will help you so much in your day to day activities.There are plenty of cloud applications to help you to more effective and efficient. For example, we can share our video presentations using dropbox and access it from anywhere such as other computers or even mobile phones. So no more complicated things by bringing the usb drive, portabe hardrive or send it by email.Cloud … Read more...

Google+ Review and Facebook Comparison
Google+ (read: Google plus) is one of the Google product for social networking. Google+ was launched in June 28, 2011 and as i am writing this article, this service is not available for public yet, only the invited user could join Google+. And i got lucky to received the invitation from my friends. Google+ use many of Google existing technologies. For example: Google chat, Google voice, Google Buzz, Google Profile, Picasa, Youtube, Google map, and others. Beside connecting all dots, Google+ also … Read more...

Guide To Improve Your WordPress Blog Performance For Free
WordPress is a free and open source CMS for blogging (which is suitable, via add-ons, for e-commerce use). And besides blogging, WordPress has the advantage of being already SEO-friendly, as it is easily crawled by search engines. What’s more, WordPress has already done 80% of the SEO for you.So what can you do to increase your SEO points? One thing you can do is improve your blog performance. Visitors and search engines love fast-loading blogs. So how can you improve your WordPress blog … Read more...

Install Multiple VPS On Ubuntu With OpenVZ
OpenVZ is container-based virtualization for Linux. OpenVZ creates multiple secure, isolated containers (otherwise known as VEs or VPSs) on a single physical server enabling better server utilization and ensuring that applications do not conflict. Each container performs and executes exactly like a stand-alone server; a container can be rebooted independently and have root access, users, IP addresses, memory, processes, files, applications, system libraries and configuration files. OpenVZ is … Read more...

Host Your Static Files Using Google App Engine For Free
Google App Engine is cloud computing technology for developing and hosting web applications in Google-managed data centers. It virtualizes applications across multiple servers and data centers. And the good things is Google App Engine offer you a trial for free. And offer reasonable price if you have over quota. It is $0.12/GByte for outgoing bandwidth.So what will you achieve if your site using Google App Engine to host your static files? Google data store are spread all over the world. And … Read more...

[TIPS] Find Web Hosting Provider That Best Fit For You
There are thousands of web hosting provider that you can find on the internet. They are offers a different features, bonus, price plan, payment choice and many other things. But to find the best fit web hosting provider for you is a challenge. You have to consider many aspects and options they are offered. And you should consider your traffic and your target visitors too.Below are the aspects that you should consider to choose whether that web hosting is good for you. Please keep in mind, be … Read more...

Secure Your WordPress Blog
Security is like a part of our life. We need to secure ours from the others. In real life, we use keys to secure our house, car and many others from unwanted visitors or unwanted person, that maybe want to do something bad with our stuff. Same as your websites, in this case your blog. You also need to protect your blog from unwanted/bad visitors. You need to protect your information, data and any privacy you store on your website.Follow these tips to secure your WordPress blog: 1. Use SSL … Read more...

Backup Your Website Files To HotFile
Wise man said "Backup early, backup regularly!", you don't know when disaster come. Start from being hacked, data lost, account being suspended by your host provider and many more. Your visitor and your data is the most crucial thing. You need to keep your visitor and you have to keep your data save. And you have to backup regularly.There are many tools to backup your website and many online backup service start from free (but limited) and paid service (like Amazon S3). I couldn't afford to … Read more...
See How Google Works Easily Understand Diagrams
I am using Google product in everyday of my life. I believe you are too. But do you know how actually Google search engine works? When you type your keywords into Google and do search, what processes actually happen inside Google data center? There are 19 data centers inside US and other 17 around the world. And inside 1 data center hold around 1,160 server. Google is very strict about how their search engine works. But with this diagrams, can help you to understand how approximately their … Read more...