Install nginx as reverse proxy is one way to improve your sever performance and so your website performance too. This is the serial post of “Improve Your Server Performance With Nginx” from my previous post. You can read why you should install nginx aside with apache to improve your server performance in that post. But here we will talk how technically we do it.Install nginx as reverse proxy with ApacheDownload and install the requirementsDownoad mod_rpafDownload PCRE (erl … Read more...
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Install nginx as Reverse Proxy With Apache
November 18, 2010 • Leave a Comment
Categories: Featured Content, Web Server Tagged With: apache nginx, configure nginx reverse proxy, download nginx pcre, how to, how to configure nginx as reverse proxy with apache, increase server performance, nginx, nginx apache certain domain, nginx apache cpanel ubuntu, nginx apache proxy, nginx apache proxy reverse, nginx apache ubuntu 10, nginx mobile proxy howto, nginx mod_rpaf install, nginx proxy, nginx proxy apache white screen, nginx proxy cache extensions, nginx proxy cookie, nginx proxy exclude, nginx proxy exclude directory, nginx proxy file permissions, nginx proxy open vpn, nginx proxy performance, nginx proxy server apache, nginx proxy server performance, nginx revers proxy howto, nginx reverse, nginx reverse apache, nginx reverse proxy, nginx reverse proxy apache, nginx reverse proxy cache, nginx reverse proxy configuration, nginx set up proxy server ubuntu, nginx windows setup, ngnix as reverse proxy, openvpn nginx reverse proxy, optimize nginx proxy, reverse proxy apache performance, reverse proxy file extension apache, reverse proxy nginx, reverse proxy nginx apache, reverse proxy nginx apache2 debian, ubuntu install nginx