I have been using Gmail for my primary email communication for several years. It is great and fast and also convenience as well. But recently i have an issue, i almost run out of spaces. By the time i'm writing this this email Gmail only give 15GB of email storage. And i'm using 95% of it. The recent that it is full because i did email some clients with large attachment.So i found a way to search those email and i delete them all, and i could save a lot of spaces. Here is how i do it:I … Read more...

OpenPGP Thunderbird 3 With Enigmail
OpenPGP (Open Pretty Good Privacy) is a data encryption and decryption that provides cryptographic privacy and authentication for data communication such as email. We can create OpenPGP Thunderbird 3 with Enigmail addon. Enigmail adds OpenPGP message encryption and authentication to your email client. It features automatic encryption, decryption and integrated key management functionality. OpenPGP Thunderbird 3 with Enigmail works in multi platform such as Windows, Linux (32-bit) and Mac OS X … Read more...

Mozilla Thunderbird: Complete, Powerful And Free Email Client
Mozilla Thunderbird is complete, powerful and open source for email and news client, also it is working cross platform as it is written on C++. Mozilla Thunderbird is developed by the Mozilla Foundation, which is famous for their product Mozilla Firefox. As a competitor of Microsoft Outlook, Mozilla Thunderbird offer the almost same core feature but it is free. Beside free, Thunderbird work in other OS such as Mac OSX, Solaris and Linux.Here is the complete set of Mozilla Thunderbird … Read more...

LastPass: Password Manager For All Platforms
As the new comer of Password Manager software, LastPass now become the most popular password manager software. Beside it is free, it works cross browsers and cross platforms. And if you want to make LastPass work for your mobile (iPhone or Blackberry) you just have to pay as low as $1/month. LastPass offer most of the features from other password manager software such as RoboForm but for free.I like LastPass because it is free. And it have import features from other password manager … Read more...

Google Voice Works Well Calling To Indonesia
Since Google Voice launch from 2 years ago, i have a chance to try Google Voice today to call some friends in Indonesia for testing. Because usually i'm using Skype as they work great to do Voice and Video call. I tried Google Voice from GMail, as i open it everyday to do my everyday communications.As the result, Google Voice work pretty well, i have delay about 2 seconds, but my sound could be hear clearly by my friends as i can hear them clearly as well. Even in Indonesia have lot of … Read more...

Google Is Your Friend (GIYF)
The terms "Google Is Your Friends" or GIFY is extension from RTFM (Read The Fucking Manual), is sometimes given in response to a question when the person being asked believes that the question is easily to find in manual or on the web usually using search engine (in this term using Google). This term is a little bit sarcasm (almost).Beside "Google is your friend" there is also the other version that mostly used, "Let me Google that for you" (LMGTFY). And both are the same. Since the rise of … Read more...

Get MFA Websites With Google Adsense Preview Tool
Since third week of February 2011, i feel that Google Adsense program change a little bit. My adsense earning down more than 50%. So i decided to review what ads are showing on my blog from different country. Anyway this is not a complaining article, but i want to share how to remove MFA (made for adsense) advertisers from your blog with Google Adsense preview tool.Google Adsense preview tool only work with Internet Explorer. All you have to do is download it and install it (see the download … Read more...

SeoQuake: Seo User Friendly Tools, a Firefox Extension
SeoQuake is an Firefox extension which allow you to view statistic of search engines parameters on the fly. SeoQuake for Mozilla Firefox consists of three functional parts: SeoToolbar (requested parameters are shown in a separate toolbar in the browser), Seobar (requested parameters are shown in a separate, fully customizable with CSS, HTML block) and output of requested parameters on Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs).SeoQuake help so much to do Seo analyze to any websites. It shows me … Read more...

Make Facebook Page URL Shorter And Nicer
Create a professional Facebook Page will increase your credibility and you can get more and more loyal visitors and clients for your business. Which will support your business, like answering feedback or make a public statement. On the most benefit by using Facebook page is your business can be viral to another Facebook users (around 140 millions user now).When you first create your Facebook Page, you have an ugly long url like this:and you can make your Facebook page URL shorter and … Read more...

Google Search Tricks
Google is the largest search engine nowadays. Many internet users, including me and you(probably) using Google in everyday of our life. But do you know that there are lot of trick you can use to customize your search results? Here some of them: Search OperatorOperator Sample Explanation+ peanut butter +and jelly Google ignores common words and characters such as where, the, how, and other digits and letters that slow down your search without improving the results. If a common … Read more...