A couple of months ago Google App Engine announced their support for PHP. And it is the fourth language supported by Google App Engine after Phyton, Java and Go. Now for all the PHP Developer this is a good news, so we could use Google App Engine power for own web applications. So now i would like to share a little bit how to start your own Google App Engine using PHP. And imagine that you can use WordPress or Laravel framework with Google App Engine.Please follow the step by step … Read more...

Revalidate Cache On Static Files In Google App Engine
I'm using Google App Engine to cache my static files for a while now. So far, i'm quite happy with my blog performance and using Google App Engine as CDN is definitely improve my blog page speed. I even upgrade to add more bandwidth, since i exceed the bandwidth quite often.After using it quite sometimes, and i was have an issue with the cache. Google App Engine cache my static files to all the edge servers. So when i'm doing an update (in css file for example), it was still show the old … Read more...

Google Doesn’t Count Billing When Using Custom Domain
From my previous post Setup Your Google App Engine Application To Use Your Own Domain, you can use Google App Engine as CDN and use your subdomain as alias to Google App Engine application. So instead of using this url: [application-id].appspot.com you can use cdn.domain.com. It is more look neat and professional.But after i use my custom domain to serve my Google App Engine application, seems like Google doesn't count the bandwidth dan billing. See this screenshot:I don't know why … Read more...

Setup Your Google App Engine Application To Use Your Own Domain
Google App Engine is cloud computing technology for developing and hosting web applications in Google-managed data centers. You can use Google Powered server to host your web applications. Beside web applications, you can host your static files to act like a CDN (Content Delivery Network). Read more about [HowTo] Host Your Static Files Using Google App Engine For Free from my previous article.Google App Engine url use appspot.com with format like this http://[your-app-id].appspot.com as … Read more...

Bandwidth Limit Exceeded Google App Engine
After 3 days using Google App Engine to host my static files, i got the amazing result in performance. My blog page speed load only 6 second (homepage loading time). I test it using Google page speed tools. You can see the result of my website performance test using Google page speed tools and YSlow! here.Some says that performance is counted for SEO. And now i got more traffic to my site. But the sad thing is, yesterday i exceed the free trial limit bandwidth for Google App Engine, … Read more...

Host Your Static Files Using Google App Engine For Free
Google App Engine is cloud computing technology for developing and hosting web applications in Google-managed data centers. It virtualizes applications across multiple servers and data centers. And the good things is Google App Engine offer you a trial for free. And offer reasonable price if you have over quota. It is $0.12/GByte for outgoing bandwidth.So what will you achieve if your site using Google App Engine to host your static files? Google data store are spread all over the world. And … Read more...