After 3 days using Google App Engine to host my static files, i got the amazing result in performance. My blog page speed load only 6 second (homepage loading time). I test it using Google page speed tools. You can see the result of my website performance test using Google page speed tools and YSlow! here.
Some says that performance is counted for SEO. And now i got more traffic to my site. But the sad thing is, yesterday i exceed the free trial limit bandwidth for Google App Engine, ouuchhhh…. So i got better performance, more visitors and exceed my limit. See the screenshot below:

So now i’m thinking to buy more outgoing bandwidth. TO buy more bandwidth i have to checkout using Google Checkout. And that’s the only payment option. I don’t have Google Checkout account because i don’t have a credit card. And Google doesn’t receive Paypal… Sigh….
Now the only way is make a credit card. And i did apply. So now all i have to do is waiting for the credit card company call me.