This is the next article from Grovvy and Grails Part 1 - Introduction that you can read it here. Now we continue to install grails in your machine. Before you continue, there are some requirements to run Grails in your machine, so please read it carefully :)Requirements to install Grails: Java SDK 1.4 or higher and have set your JAVA_HOME variable to the SDK install location. note here, Java OpenSDK and JRE is not working with Grails. Apache Ant 1.6.5 or higher * JUnit (to run the … Read more...

[Tutorial] Groovy and Grails Part 1 – Introduction
What is Groovy? What is Grails? For those who don't know about Groovy and Grails, you are lucky because i'm about to explain Groovy and Grails and how powerful they are in Web Application Technology. Also i will give you some example to help you to understand and start using it!"Groovy is a relatively new dynamic language that can either be interpreted or compiled and is designed specifically for the Java platform." (Beginning Groovy and Grails From Novice To Professional Apress). Groovy … Read more...