Enable Maintenance Mode With .htaccess

Sometimes when you are upgrading your blog or your website, it’s wise and highly recommended that your block all your visitor and redirect it to maintenance page. So your visitors know and come back later. You can redirect your visitors to maintenance page with redirect 307 (temporary redirect). This redirect 307 won’t harm your server and SEO in search engine. When Google bot saw this redirect code, it will come back later and index your page again.To redirect all your visitors except … Read more...

List Of Spam Bot You should Block

There are lots of spam bot out there. Not just a spam bot, scrape box always come to your site and scraping your content plus wasting your bandwidth. I hate spam and scrape bot, and i bet you do too. We need to keep update our list to block such unwanted visitors. Unwanted visitors not just harm your website but also waste your money indirectly.Here the list of spam bot you should … Read more...

[TUTORIAL] Password Protected Directory In Apache Web Server

Sometimes you want to make an online application but only for private use or use by some people only. Or you just made an online application but still in testing phase in development, and don't want to make the site go live yet. Or you want a web site or a directory to be protected for security reasons. Or other reasons that you can mention. But the point is you want a whole website or a directory to be password protected.You can make a whole website or a directory password protected with … Read more...

[TIPS] Prevent Image and File Hotlinking From Your Blog

Last couple days i found that some website doing image and file hot-linking to my website. This will steal my bandwidth and make me less visitor to come to my blog. If this happen to you too, don't worry. We can prevent those bandwidth theft by prevent hot-linking by add some lines to our .htaccess file.How do i know that my blog hotlinking? You can test by make a single html file with an image link to your blog, here is the example:if you can see the images, then your site can be … Read more...