We live in times when we need to save energy and care about our environment. Simplest way to save energy is to turn off certain device if you’re not using it but not many people do that. In order to start saving energy maybe people should be aware how much power does certain devices consume. If you want to keep track of the power consummation of your appliances, maybe Home Energy Controller tablet from Cisco can help you out.Unlike other tablets that we see on the market, Home Energy … Read more...
Technology Role In World Cup 2010
FIFA World Cup 2010 is the 19th FIFA World Cup, the premier international football tournament. It is start from 11 June 2010 to 11 July 2010 In South Africa. World Cup is held once in 4 years. This international events brings intention from over the world. Many people will watch this events. Therefore it will need a very good technology infrastructure.So how technology roles in World Cup 2010? South Africa has made significant investments into its information and communication technology … Read more...

HTML5 The Next Generation Of Web
Currently HTML5 is being developed by W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) as the next generation of web standard. The purpose of this release is to reduce the need of plug-in based rich internet application (RIA) such as Adobe Flash, Microsoft Silverlight and Sun JavaFX. You can sneak peak the overview of the HTML5 at the W3C official site here.Until today the draft of HTML5 still not finished yet. According to the W3C it will be release at late of 2010. This next release of HTML5 will be … Read more...