As today HTML5 and CSS3 is the newest standard for the web design, all web designers and developer are busy preparing and learning this new standard, including myself. I want to share with you with this Cheat Sheet that i got from can download it here: HTML5 Cheat Sheet (PDF) CSS 2.1 Cheet Sheet (PDF) CSS 3 Cheat Sheet (PDF)Source From: SmashingMagazine.comAll copyright of these Cheet Sheet is copyrighted to the respective owners. … Read more...
Firefox 4: Faster and HTML5 Supported
From the Mozilla blog and Mike Beltzner’s blog post, Mozilla Firefox 4 was announced and still in development. The release date is still not announce yet. But in this Firefox 4 it will have HTML5 supported, as like other browser Safari and Internet Explorer 9.Since the it was announce by W3C, HTML5 is next standard of HTML. And it will support on this next release of Firefox 4.So what's new in this Firefox 4: 1. Fast: making firefox super-duper fast 2. Powerful: enabling new open, … Read more...
HTML5 The Next Generation Of Web
Currently HTML5 is being developed by W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) as the next generation of web standard. The purpose of this release is to reduce the need of plug-in based rich internet application (RIA) such as Adobe Flash, Microsoft Silverlight and Sun JavaFX. You can sneak peak the overview of the HTML5 at the W3C official site here.Until today the draft of HTML5 still not finished yet. According to the W3C it will be release at late of 2010. This next release of HTML5 will be … Read more...