After i write Encrypt Your Flashdrive With TrueCrypt In Ubuntu, some of my friends ask if TrueCrypt could work in Windows 7. And i said, of course it would work. TrueCrypt work in multiple paltform such as Windows and Linux. For Mac? i don't know yet, i haven't try.As you read in the previous article. TrueCrypt is an open source software that helps you set up and maintain an on-the-fly encrypted volume. On the fly encryption means data is automatically encrypted or decrypted right before … Read more...

Encrypt Your Flashdrive With TrueCrypt In Ubuntu
Data privacy is important. You need to keep it safe and store in your harddrive or flash drive only. And you don't want your data got by the wrong hand. You need to secure your data where you store it. One of the technique to store your data is encrypt it.To encrypt your data, you can use Truecrypt. TrueCrypt is an open source software that helps you set up and maintain an on-the-fly encrypted volume. On the fly encryption means data is automatically encrypted or decrypted right before they … Read more...