You can boot Ubuntu ISO without burn it to CD, this is very useful if you want to test the latest Ubuntu without installing it. And in some occasion I use this Ubuntu Live CD to fix my Windows. You can use Ubuntu Live CD to do anything without change any data in your hard drive. I found this useful and I have one USB Memory stick 4GB that have this Ubuntu Live CD.To create the Ubuntu Live CD using USB stick, you can use Unetbootin. With this tools, you can create bootable USB stick. And … Read more...
Create Backup Of Your Ubuntu To Distributable Ubuntu Live CD/DVD
I have been using Ubuntu for almost 3 years. I started using it since Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron released. And when Ubuntu released a new upgrade, i prefer do fresh install rather than upgrade the package. Even it's takes time to configure and restore my backup files so i could do my work. And when my work mate want to use Ubuntu too, i install it for him and again, i configure and tweak it so he could do his work. So i'm thinking is there a way to clone my Ubuntu instead of configure it per … Read more...

[HowTo] Create Ubuntu Live CD
Ubuntu 10.10 code name Maverick Meerkat has been released on October 10th 2010 you can download it from for free. But when you are an Ubuntu advance user, you need to add more package or remove some package that you won't use. Then you can live boot your custom Ubuntu live CD. And it's not limited to live CD, you can make it as live USB too.There are some reasons you want to customize Ubuntu live CD:Make your own Linux / Ubuntu distribution, something like rebranding but … Read more...