After a while i don't use Pidgin anymore and since default messanger on Ubuntu wasn't Pidgin anymore. But i still miss to use Pidgin. Because it is lightweight and NO-ADS. Yahoo Messenger have so many ads and popup when you login. It make my computer freeze a while. And sometime it frozen. And the other thing Yahoo Messenger sometime crash with .NET Framework, still don't know why.Anyway, i would like to review Pidgin not criticizing Yahoo Messanger. Ok let's get back to topic, hehehe. After … Read more...

Pidgin v2.5.8 Update Fix Yahoo Messenger Problem
Today my package update manager update my Pidgin from v2.5.7 to v.2.5.8. There are lot of fix especially with the Yahoo Messanger problem from v2.5.7. Like buddy refresh, v2.5.7 have a problem with buddy refresh, so your buddy list never update when they are signing in or signing off. This bugs was really annoying, and thanks for pidgin to fix this bugs. And the other fix i feel is, buddy picture or avatar, pidgin v.2.5.7 didn't show avatar, and now it shows up.Before i knew this problem and … Read more...

Solve Yahoo Messenger Problem With Pidgin 2.5.7
A couple days ago i have a problem connecting to Yahoo Messanger using Pidgin 2.5.5. I thougt that there were something wrong with my network. But i tried using original Yahoo Messanger, it works. So i know that my networks is fine, but not my Pidgin. Then i try to google it, and i found that Yahoo upgrade their server to new version. That's why my pidgin 2.5.5 couldn't connect.Then i browse to pidgin official website, then wow... They have a new version that is Pidgin v2.5.7 that fixed for … Read more...