The impact of your decision to upgrade your monitor is the change of display resolution and this also applies to Mac OSX. Actually, changing the resolution on Mac operating system can easily be carried out on your own through some simple steps below.Initially, the first step is to click the Apple logo found in the top-left corner of the menu bar and then pick “System Preferences.” Next, you should select display and check the box entitled “Shows display in menu bar.” This step will … Read more...

All Useful Keyboard Shortcut In Mac OSX
If you are a Windows or Linux user, maybe you will feel lag using Mac keyboard for the first time. Me too. Mac OSX keyboard and shortcut is a little bit different than Windows or Linux. For example in Mac OSX, it have (Command key), that others doesn't have. I love using shortcut key, because it is faster and easier to do my work. Mac keyboard layout is not much different than the other general keyboard. But Mac have some of their own symbol.Here is some list of key that the other OS … Read more...