It's been a month i move back to Ubuntu as my primary OS. And i would like to write one of the most use command in Linux: "find". This command is like a magic to search anything i want on my hard drive. I can find a text inside a file, or filter it for certain extension. I can search the files with latest modified time and also the file size.List to use Linux command "find" that mostly used by me:Find all PHP Files in a directory:Find a file with a name:Find file with wrong permission … Read more...

Tips to use Grep Command in Linux
Grep is one of the most use Linux command from command line. The grep command use to search text or searches the given file for lines containing a match to the given strings or words. Very useful if you want to search a text inside the files. And you can use regular expression in filtering the files.1. The basic use fo grep commands:2. Find a word in a file using grep command3. Recursive search in directories4. Ignore word case5. Search 2 different … Read more...

Beginners Guide: Copy Your Files To Remote Server With scp
When you are moving your website to another server or maybe copying a file to a remote host, there are lot ways to do that. One of them is using “scp” or secure copy. scp is used for copying file from local to remote host securely. It uses ssh for data transfer and provides the same authentication and same level of security as ssh.Copy a file from a remote host to the local host:Copy a file from the local host to a remote host:Copy a directory from local host to a remote … Read more...

Access Google Data API From Command Line
Googlecl is a google utility to access Google Data API from command line. Googlecl is written in Python programming language. Googlecl allow you to update your blogger blog, Picassa, Calender, Contact, Google Doc, and Youtube videos. This tool connect to Google service using Google Data API. Since it is written with Python, it'w work on cross platform such as Linux, FreeBSD, Windows and Mac OSX.To install GoogleCL, you need to install it's dependency:Python 2.5 or 2.6 gdata >= 1.2.4 … Read more...

Beginners Guide: Use FTP From Command Line
FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is a standard network protocol for file transferring between server and client computer. FTP is built on client-server architecture, usually use port 21 for standard port or port 22 for secure ftp. FTP server is installed on server machine and FTP client use on the client machine. There are many FTP client tools commercial or even free and open source. The FTP client tools help you transfer files easily even with drag and drop. The famous one is Filezilla that work … Read more...

Frequently Use Linux Command Line
Even now Linux have good desktop software like Gnome or KDE i often use Linux command line to configure and doing my work on Linux especially Ubuntu as my favorite distro. For example, writing a code and text i often use vim from shell and sometimes use modified Gedit. I found that using Linux command line much faster and lightweight. And for configuring a Linux server that far away, it's a must for you to do it from Linux shell or ssh. And it's fun to play with the Linux command line. And below … Read more...