Things You Want To Do After Install Ubuntu 10.04 Desktop Part 4

This is the next of previous post Things You Want To Do After Install Ubuntu 10.04 Desktop Part 3. In this post i will show you how to install the list of software from the previous post. To make your Ubuntu desktop as a full-fledged replacement for a Windows desktop.

In this post is only for developer, but feel free if you want to install it too.

To install Gedit with additional feature, please refer to this post.

For install Apache, MySQL, PHP and PHPmyadmin for testing environment, please refer to this post.

To install SSH Server and SSH Client, run this command:

apt-get install openssh-server openssh-client

Okay now your Ubuntu desktop have reach application and resdy to use. But you can still improve it and beautify it, like install compiz change the desktop background, add desktop widgets. Don’t stop learning and have fun with Ubuntu.


  1. Whenses says:

    No mames, ya esto es todo, este wy es mas novato que yo

  2. Lal says:

    Two words… Spell check.

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