This is the next of previous post Things You Want To Do After Install Ubuntu 10.04 Desktop Part 3. In this post i will show you how to install the list of software from the previous post. To make your Ubuntu desktop as a full-fledged replacement for a Windows desktop.In this post is only for developer, but feel free if you want to install it too.To install Gedit with additional feature, please refer to this post.For install Apache, MySQL, PHP and PHPmyadmin for testing environment, … Read more...

Things You Want To Do After Install Ubuntu 10.04 Desktop Part 3
This is the next of previous post Things You Want To Do After Install Ubuntu 10.04 Desktop Part 2. In this post i will show you how to install the list of softwares from the previous post. To make your Ubuntu desktop as a full-fledged replacement for a Windows desktop.Okay now let's continue to the next step. I assume you still login with root account in the terminal. If not please login first.I'm going to show you how to install the additional softwares, please follow this steps: 1. On … Read more...

Things You Want To Do After Install Ubuntu 10.04 Desktop Part 2
This is the next of previous post Things You Want To Do After Install Ubuntu 10.04 Desktop Part 1. In this post i will show you how to install the list of softwares from the previous post. To make your Ubuntu desktop as a full-fledged replacement for a Windows desktop.Okay, now let's get started.First thing i am going to do is activate the root user. Follow this steps to do it: 1. Open your terminal, and type this command2. Type your root password 3. Then login as root, as i assume … Read more...

Things You Want To Do After Install Ubuntu 10.04 Desktop Part 1
Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx has been released since April 2010. In my opinion i like Ubuntu the best, and more since it released this 10.04 version. There are couple things you need to do after you fresh install Ubuntu. There are lot of free software you can grab from the repository.For Graphic Apps: * The GIMP - free software replacement for Adobe Photoshop * F-Spot - full-featured personal photo management application for the GNOME desktop * Google Picasa - application for organizing and … Read more...