[HowTo] Download All Your Google Docs

Google Docs is developed to compete with Microsoft Office online. I my self prefer Google Docs as my word processor, because my primary email is on Gmail. And with Google Account, it is single sign on. I know that live account also single sign on too, but Google faster then live, IMHO. I have been using Google Docs for a while now, and i have plenty of Documents there.

Some of the documents is no longer need, and some are important documents. But before i delete all the unimportant documents, firstly to do is backup all the documents. To avoid unnecessary deleting important documents. You can download all your Google Docs and store in your local drive at once.

Follow the steps below how to download all your Google Docs:
1. First login to your Google Docs
2. You can select all the documents or some documents to be backup.
3. Press More Action > export
4. Choose how you want to download each kind of file. You can convert your file before download it.
5. Press download, it takes time to convert and compress all the files to zip file, and download process will begin shortly.
6. Keep your backup document safe on your local drive.

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