HeidiSQL: Another Free MySQL Client Tools

I bet many of you know what is MySQL and probably use it a lot. One of the best MySQL client tools is MySQL Workbench as it have all fancy features. But it is too heavy to use. So instead of design the database structure, i'm using HeidiSQL to administrate my MySQL server. I found it extremely light and easy to use.[quote sourceurl="http://www.heidisql.com/" sourcename="HeidiSQL Official"]HeidiSQL is a lightweight, Windows based interface for MySQL databases. It enables you to browse and … Read more...

Free Database Designer For MySQL With MySQL Workbench

If you are looking for a nice and good database designer for MySQL, then i'm very recommend you to use MySQL Workbench. Beside it is free (GPL License for Community Edition), it is also easy to use. Before i found this, i used to make database designer with other tools or make a hand writing database design (ERD/Entity Relationship Diagram) then i manually make the all tables through PhpMyAdmin. This took a long time.After i tried MySQL Workbench, i'm very happy about it. It is easy to use. … Read more...

How to Check And Repair MySQL Database

Sometimes your MySQL database data is corrupted. Usually it is not properly close when querying to the database, because of high server load or MySQL server suddenly down. This will make your database files or tables corrupted. And your web application won’t run normal or even show Internal server error or cannot connect to the mysql database server.There are many ways to to fix this error: 1. Use MySQL check and repair function2. Use mysqlcheck to check and repair database3. Use … Read more...

Beginners Guide: Backup And Restore Compressed MySQL Dump File

As you know your website data is stored in your database server, in this case is MySQL. To prevent disaster, backup your data regularly is a must for you and every website owner. There are many ways to backup MySQL data, one of them is using mysqldump to dump your MySQL data to a file.But mysqldump output is plaint text files with full of SQL commands. And in linux you can compress it using gzip with pipelining command.To backup and compress MySQL dump file:Explanation: the … Read more...

Copy MySQL Data Across The Server

If you move or change your hosting server, beside the files you also need to move your mysql data as well. MySQL database hold all your website data including content, configuration, user account and other thing. So please be careful with this data you need to backup it regularly. See my other post about how to regularly backup your mysql.But when you move to another server you can do it with 2 ways: 1. Backup it from the old server and upload it to another server You can do this with … Read more...

AutoMySQLBackup: Regularly Backup Your MySQL

If you have blogs or websites, you databases is one the most important thing. Your data will be store on your database, for this case it is MySQL. MySQL is a free database management system (DBMS) and bundled with Linux as LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP). Because it is so important, then you have to regularly backup your data, as disaster recovery steps.Actually to backup MySQL data is not hard. There are many tools provide for free to backup with on single click. But sometimes you … Read more...

Backup All Your MySQL Database With One Script

MySQL is a relational database management system (RDMS), and one of the most powerful DBMS. Most of the websites including this blog using MySQL technology behind it. Since it free and it always bundled with the PHP and Linux, often it is called LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP). If you know a little about programming in PHP, MySQL skill is a must to you to learn.Okay i am not explaining what it MySQL, or what is SQL syntax. Now i just want to share with you a script to backup all the … Read more...

[HowTo] Extract Database Information From Information_schema Table in Mysql

INFORMATION_SCHEMA provides access to database metadata. Metadata is data about the data, such as the name of a database or table, the data type of a column, or access privileges. Other terms that sometimes are used for this information are data dictionary and system catalog. INFORMATION_SCHEMA is the information database, the place that stores information about all the other databases that the MySQL server maintains. Inside INFORMATION_SCHEMA there are several read-only tables. They are … Read more...

[HowTo] Replace String In Mysql With One Query

Yesterday i was helping my friend's blog. She want to change her domain and move her hosting server for some reasons. She is using wordpress as her blog engine and of course using mysql as database server. To move wordpress blog to another domain you need to change some configuration on the database file. Especially if the data have the absolute path in url (ex: http://www.willbechange.com/bla/bla/post.html).After examine her database file i found that many of data in wp-options using … Read more...