Most of internet users are on Twitter including me and probably you have Twitter account as well. Twitter is owned by Twitter Inc., a social networking and micro blogging service, enabling its users to send and read messages called tweets. Lot of big company or famous people update their official status on Twitter as first statement. And others that followed will get the update as well.Twitter allow us to design our Twitter page. This will make our Twitter page unique than the others. And i … Read more...

Get Last Tweet Without OAuth Using PHP
Get last tweet of your tweets or someone’s tweet with username doesn’t need OAuth. Twitter have their own API to get last tweet with username. You can access the API with, which some arguments supplied. You can read more detail about this API function here.I have create a simple function to parse last tweet from a username:How to use it:The function will return array of tweets. That’s it, if you like to know more, you can … Read more...