Sometimes your code produce a large numbers which is hard for user to read it. For example 17753392783 bytes or 18293753038 unit. For human eyes, it is easier to get 17MB or 1 million rather than lot of numbers.I write this as quick tips for you, in case you want to convert your data to human readable format. I do this in PHP, for other programming language you can get the algorithm and convert it to your own language:Usage:Thank you for read this article. Good luck and have a … Read more...

[TIPS] Write print_r() Output To File
When debugging a php application, print_r() or var_dump() often use to display the data inside the variable, usually an array that store many data inside. print_r() is core php function to displays information about a variable in a way that's readable by humans. Not just a variable or an array, we can trace or display protected and private properties of objects in PHP 5.But when the php application is called by the curl or other remote connection (not using a web browser), print_r() won't … Read more...

Vi and Vim Editor Cheat Sheet PDF
Vi editor is a lightweight text editor on linux and derived from name visual. The original vi program was written by Bill Joy in 1976 for an early BSD Unix release. Some current implementations of vi can trace their source code ancestry to Bill Joy; others are completely new, largely compatible reimplementation.[quote sourceurl="" sourcename="VIM Official"]Vim is a highly configurable text editor built to enable efficient text editing. It is an improved version of the vi … Read more...