At last after 1 month delayed, finally i moved my blog to new VPS (Virtual Private Server). For those who don’t know what VPS is. Here is the defenition from Wikipedia: “A virtual private server (VPS, also referred to as Virtual Dedicated Server or VDS) is a method of splitting a server. Each virtual server can run its own full-fledged operating system, and each server can be independently rebooted.”.
So basically, a large server can be split to smaller virtual server, which have it’s own operating system, ip addresses, and can be reboot independently without restart the whole server. If you have high traffic blog, then VPS is right choice for you rather than use share hosting server.
The reasons why i moved to a VPS, because i have more and more traffic coming to this blog. Thanks to all my loyal readers. Before i used share hosting server, it used to be a fast server. But since my blog have more traffic, and the server become slower and sometimes down. I decided to move to VPS for stability and performance.
Thanks to come to my blog and read my article. Have nice day!