Back to Ubuntu after so long

It was 3 years ago i used Ubuntu for my main primary operating system. As a web developer using Linux based Operating system make things easier. My last Ubuntu Desktop was Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat. Now 3 years has passed and when i come back, i saw that Ubuntu has grown so fast, now i install Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr as my primary operating system back again.

My first impression was great, it was fast and lite, the Unity UI is smooth and easy to learn. But i feel it more like Mac OSX. Especially the dock feature. And what make me love Ubuntu the most is because it is ready out of the box. I don’t have any difficulty after installation. Everything is working as it is. Praise to the Ubuntu team 🙂

So what i did after install Ubuntu? If you are a web developer, this list might help you to jump start your Ubuntu box:

  1. Install Google Chrome Browser: Since Google Chrome is sync with my Google Account, then all the settings and bookmarks are sync with the Google Chrome on my Ubuntu. So i don’t have spend a lot of time to do the settings back.
  2. Install Filezilla FTP Client: I need this transfer files from/to the servers.
  3. Install Dropbox for Linux: A lot of my document are stored in the cloud, one of them using Dropbox, so i just install it and everything is sync.
  4. Install Skype for Linux: My prime communication with other human being is using Skype, so this is a must.
  5. Install Git: Thanks Linus 🙂
  6. Install Sublime Text 3: This is my primary text edit, it is fast, lite and the code snippet is the best so far.
  7. Install Nginx, Apache, MySQL and PHPMyadmin: I’m using nginx as the proxy server, because soon i will develop a web app using nodejs.
  8. Generate RSA key: I don’t like to remember password.
  9. Import my favorite musics: Listen to the music while developing is always an option.
  10. Install ReText for writing with Markdown: i love markdown and use it everywhere.

One thing is missing in Ubuntu, that is Evernote. Evernote doesn’t come with Linux application. So far i access all my notes using the web. But i heard that Evernote run smoothly using wine. So i will try it soon.

So far i’m happy with the performance of this newest Ubuntu. And the most important thing is help me become more productive, since now i have higher mobility. Work anywhere and anytime is always fun 🙂

So if you have an experince using Ubuntu, please share it with me too.

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