[HowTo] Install ODBC Driver For MySQL On Ubuntu

ODBC or Open Database Conectivity provides a standard software interface for accessing database management systems (DBMS). ODBC could work in multi platform. With ODBC API, the application only needs to know ODBC syntax, and the driver can then pass the query to the DBMS in its native format, returning the data in a format the application can understand.

As ODBC work in multi platform, ODBC could work in Ubuntu as well. For software developer they are using ODBC so their application could work in any platform. To install ODBC on Ubuntu follow the steps below:

1. Open your terminal, install iodbc

sudo apt-get install iodbc

2. Install mysql connector for odbc

sudo apt-get install libmyodbc

3. Start iodbc


This will open iodbc GUI management.

4. Now add MySQL driver to odbc
In odbc driver tab, add a driver, give any description you want, and
For “Driver file name” choose /usr/lib/odbc/libmyodbc.so.
For “Setup file name” choose /usr/lib/odbc/libodbcmyS.so.

5. Create a new User DSN
Click Add, and give a name to your datasource (example: “my_mysql_odbc”). Then give these information:
server -> Your mysql server
database -> database name
user -> user that have access to the database
password -> user password

Now you can use this ODBC driver in your application just like in Windows environment. When your application ready to deploy, you just need to setup the odbc driver in other platform and your application will run as usual.


  1. The database name I put in my odbc.ini appeared in the dialog, and I new I was there. I'll drive vesrion and the ODBC version for a while and see which one performs better.

  2. The odbc client closes everytime I click on the "Driver Tab"But and On my Hardy, it's cannot start using "iodbcadm-gtk". But using "sudo iodbcadm-gtk" can running.

  3. It is a easiest way of installing drivers of open database connectivity (ODBC), and this application will work in any platform

  4. gatehouse academy review says:

    Quite a helpful post… this way is easy,of installing it,.came to knew ,as ODBC work in multi platform, ODBC could work in Ubuntu as well.

  5. Sometimes you may find the need to develop cross platform applications which make use of a database. ODBC can be a solution to your portability needs, but unfortunately it is not as easy to set up an ODBC connection on Linux as it is on Windows.

  6. Its a very helpful post…it helped me knowing the steps to Install ODBC Driver For MySQL On Ubuntu .good to know that, ODBC could work in multi platform.

  7. J Hass Group says:

    WELL!!YOUR POST IS VERY WELL WRITTEN!!!.its great to know that ODBC work in multi platform, ODBC could work in Ubuntu as well.All the steps to be followed for installing it are easily understandable….

  8. It has given us the procedure of installing ODBC driver…thanks for it…As ODBC work in multi platform, ODBC could work in Ubuntu as well. For software developer they are using ODBC so their application could work in any platform.

  9. Well  its native format, returning the data in a format the application can understand…I think 

  10. gareth says:


    …does not exist in Xubuntu 12.04 – I’ve installed libmyodbc too, apparently successfully, but can’t find it anywhere… any ideas much appreciated!

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